Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mao's House

Yesterday I decided to go and explore the Jing'an district of the city before my evening class started. My first plan was to visit the Jing'an temple, but the whole outer perimeter of the temple was comprised of modern stores and the whole thing just seemed sort of cheapened so I decided I did not want to pay to go in and explored the district instead.

Here are just a few pictures of the area for those interested in seeing it.

Then I randomly stumbled upon Mao Zedong's former residence in Shanghai so I popped in to take a look. It is now turned into a museum of sorts with different rooms having different displays.

The whole thing seemed more nationalistic and almost nostalgic in nature. But seeing things from a different perspective was interesting, something I appreciate as a student of history. I especially enjoyed the display plate for a piece of communications equipment that was for use in "the war to resist us aggression and aid Korea" which of course was referring to what the United States just calls the Korean War.

There were also a lot of Mao statues, though they just seemed like cheap things purchased from a store, I recall seeing a scratched of sticker type of thing on one of the statues that you would see on some a store bought products

Finally when walking further in the district I was surprised to see an adult store right out on what could be considered a main road. I guess it shouldn't really have been too surprising just wasn't really expecting to see stores of this type in China, at least not right out in the open. I snapped a picture of the building but did not end up going inside, thought I have to be back on that street for an event later that week and maybe curiosity will get the better of me.

Anyhow, that is all for this update, I still have a few things to catch up on posting that I already did, but at least my backlog of posts will ensure a few good updates in a row.

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